Global.ConfirmSaveChanges=Do you want to save changes ?
Global.NoFileLoaded=No file
Global.IncorrectEamFile=Incorrect file format or version !
Global.ScannedDirectories=scanned directories
Global.NewListFile=A new file is about to be created ! Do you want to save changes ?
Global.NoAlbumFound=No album found !
Global.MoveRoot1=Are you sure you have moved the content of
Global.RemoveRoot=Are you sure you want to remove all albums from
Global.NoFilter=* No filter *
Global.CurrentSettings=* Current settings *
Global.RenameSelection=Rename selection
Global.NewName=New name :
Global.AreYouSure=Are you sure ?
Global.NoSelection=* No selection *
Global.SearchNothingFound=Nothing found ! Launch another search to start from the begining
Global.CouldNotChangeImage=Could not change the image'
Global.CouldNotReadFile=Could not read file
Global.CouldNotPasteImage=Could not paste image !
Glocal.ImportCoverLessOnly=Import covers only for cover-less albums ?
Global.NoLocalCoversDB=No local CoversDB found !
Global.NothingUpdated=Nothing updated !
Global.CoversAdded=covers added or updated
Global.DragNDropHere=Drag'n'drop here
Global.NoAlbumSelected=No selected album
Global.NoPlayingAlbum=No album is currently playing !
Global.CouldNotFindAlbum=I could not find the album
Global.AutoCreateCoversDB=You should create your local CoversDB file. Do you want to export your covers now ?
Global.EmptyCdbFile=The CoversDB file is empty or of a wrong version. Covers will be exported now.
Global.WarningCoverOverwrite=Warning ! You will overwrite several cover pictures of your local CoversDB without any new confirmation ! Carry on ?
Global.CoversDBuptodate=The local CoversDB was already up to date
Global.CannotOverwriteLocalCoversDB=Cannot overwrite the default covers database
Global.FastUpdateList=Do you want to fast scan your current list ?
Global.CacheCovers=There are covers with no cached covers, do you want to cache them now ?
Global.ConfirmStatusChange=Do you really want to change the status for all albums ?
// ------------------------------------------
// FormNewList
// ------------------------------------------
FormNewList.Caption=Create a new playlist
FormNewList.LabelFileName.Caption=File name
FormNewList.LabelListFormat.Caption=Playlist file format
Global.AddRootDir=Please add the directories where you use to put your audio files. Then you will be able to create playlists for all your albums if you haven't done that so far
Global.ChangeRootDir=You can remove or move a directory to scan.
// ------------------------------------------
// FormEdit
// ------------------------------------------
FormEdit.Caption=Album details edition
FormEdit.LabelFoundAlbums.Caption=ALBUMS (CURRENT ONE AND FreeDB ONES)
FormEdit.LabelCoverPicture.Caption=COVER PICTURE
FormEdit.ActionFDPasteImage.Caption=Paste from clipboard
FormEdit.ActionFDLoadImage.Caption=Load from a file
FormFilter.LabelHint.Caption=Artist and genre can be : artist1;artist2;artist3 ... or arti";"tist;"rti". Year can be 1970;1971 or 1980-1990;1999 or 1980- or -1970 ...
Global.NewPreset1=New preset
Global.NewPreset2=Name of the new preset :
Global.OverwritePreset=Overwrite preset ?
Global.RenamePreset1=Preset rename
Global.RenamePreset2=New name :
Global.DeletePreset=Do you really want to delete this preset ?
// ------------------------------------------
// FormFilterAdd
// ------------------------------------------
FormFilterAdd.Caption=Add items to filter
FormFilterAdd.LabelElements.Caption=ITEM(S) TO ADD
FormBatch.LabelHint.Caption=The batch process will be performed on all albums having a red status.
FormBatch.ButtonOk.Caption=Run batch
// ------------------------------------------
// Global strings elsewhere
// ------------------------------------------
// Udir_obj
Global.WarningPictureOverwrite=Warning ! You may overwrite several cover picture files without any new confirmation ! Carry on ?
// Uselection
Global.NewSelection=New selection
// Ucov_obj
//Global.IncorrectCdbFile=This CoversDB file is incorrect or the version is wrong ! Please export your cover pictures again.
//Global.WarningCoverOverwrite=Warning ! You will overwrite several cover pictures of your local CoversDB without any confirmation ! Carry on ?
// ------------------------------------------
// Tips & tricks
// ------------------------------------------
Tips.1=Easy Album Manager will help you to manage your albums collection : order your albums, sort and display them in a pleasant layout, and then enjoy playing them.
Tips.2=Use your mouse right button ! You can open contextual menus in the list and browse mode when right-clicking on an album, in the tracks window, in the built-in player window and on the cover art picture.
Tips.3=Quickly switch between list and browse views using the Ctrl+B keyboard shortcut.
Tips.4=Press Ctrl+D to edit the selected album details : you will be able to perform a FreeDB search, to rename tracks ...
Tips.5=Share your cover art pictures with your friends : export your covers to a CoversDB file and send it to them, or import your friends' CoversDB file into your local CoversDB to get their pictures.
Tips.6=Use the playlist builder to organize your playlists : you can create/delete/rename/move playlists, folders, audio files, pictures ...
Tips.7=In the album details edit dialog box, your album will be searched in FreeDB, and you will automatically be proposed information like the artist name, album title, release year, tracks titles ...
Tips.8=You can extensively use shortcuts ! Help (F1) Browse/List mode (Ctrl+B) Edit albums details (Ctrl+D) Search (Ctrl+H) Filters (Ctrl+F) View remote commander (Ctrl+W) Playlist builder (Ctrl+L) ...
Tips.9=Enable the mp3 CD autodetection ! Then each time you put a mp3 CD in your player, it will be automatically scanned and its albums list will be displayed.
Tips.10=Use the powerful export : export your albums list to HTML, to CSV to build a speadsheet, to SQL to feed a database, or create your own export template !
Tips.11=You can perform quick a FreeDB search on one or several album(s) : your album information will be automatically retrieved, tracks tagged and files renamed !